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Thursday, February 16, 2012


With being limited on space in our house, we have been forced to be creative with how we store things. Such as storing sheets so that they are paired up and not just tossed in the closet, or storing diapers in a neat stack that won't topple over, or storing all your extra meds and lotions and soaps and on and on.

For sheets I take the set and fold it all nice, then I take the pillow case for that particular set and put the nicely folded sheet set inside it. Then I fold the end of the pillow case over and stack them all up. they stay in a nice stack and when you need a clean set of sheets you can just grab a pillow case and you know you have the whole set.

Princess's Sheet Stack
For diapers I made some really nice looking boxes that fit on top of the changing table that holds a whole big box of diapers. Since I have 2 boys in 2 different sizes of diapers I made 2 different boxes and they are different colors so that everyone knows who's diapers are in which box.

To make these all I did was go to Costco and get 2 nice straight boxes from laundry soap. These had the front cut into a nice shape so I left them alone. If they aren't already cut out cut one side down so you can access the diapers easily. Then I took some fabric and wrapped it around the box. I used tape to hold it in place so that I could use the hot glue gun to glue the fabric in place. Make sure you get the fabric all the way in the bottom of the box so that your diapers sit all the way in.
Diaper boxes filled. 

Plenty of room for the changing pad in front. 
Since we have almost no cupboard or storage space I went to the $tree and bought plastic shoe boxes. I labeled each one with what was to go in them and I filled them with all our extra personal bathroom items that we have collected and need to be able to access when we run out. Makes it so nice to be able to just go in and grab what we need without having to search and search through a cupboard for things such as a new toothbrush or bug bite med.

1 comment:

  1. That first picture of the diapers makes it look HUGE!

    I'm still trying to find a creative solution to storing my cloth diapers, even with a house this big, I can't seem to figure out storage. Everything pretty much lays around.

    Those boxes are personally AWESOME. :)
